Wendy Deming, principal

Wendy Deming is a seasoned nonprofit executive with more than 25 years of experience in the independent sector. She has a passion for serving as a trusted advisor to boards and executives of nonprofit organizations and established Deming Consulting in 2023 to focus solely on this work. The practice provides customized capacity building services that empower and strengthen nonprofit organizations, allowing them to thrive.

Wendy has been at the center of bold and transformative change during the course of her career. She understands that by applying thoughtful, considerate methods, change can be enacted that not only achieves the stated goals but also uplifts the people and communities being served. She works closely with nonprofit leadership to identify areas in need of improvement and collaboratively develop solutions that align with their vision. Every change implemented is rooted in the principle of kindness, ensuring that it respects the core values and mission of the organization.

Prior to starting her consulting practice, Wendy served as chief of staff and corporate secretary at Gulf Coast Community Foundation from 2002 to 2016 and as the foundation’s chief operating officer and corporate secretary from 2016 to 2018. Most recently, she held the role of chief operating officer and corporate secretary at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens from 2018 to 2023.

In those positions, she managed operations and human resources functions during times of growth for both organizations. She served as a trusted advisor to the organizations’ CEOs and board members and ensured commitment to governance best practices. She has been involved in the planning and execution of strategic plans, board retreats, and accreditations, as well as a nonprofit merger while at Selby Gardens.

Wendy earned an MBA from George Mason University and a BA in Accounting from Furman University. She earned a Certificate in Governance Consulting from BoardSource in 2017 and certificates in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace and Inclusive and Ethical Leadership from the University of South Florida in 2021.

In 2019, she was named a Prominent Patriot by George Mason University School of Business and, in 2017, received the Women’s Resource Center’s Wonder Woman Award in recognition of her dedication to strengthening the governance of nonprofit organizations.

In her spare time, you will find Wendy tending to her pollinator garden, trying out a new cookie recipe, or on Audible listening to historical fiction.